Best Breakfast Ideas For 1-year-old (2024)

Breakfast is the most vital meal of the day. It provides you with energy for the whole day. Kids who have breakfast daily are more healthy and tend to have higher IQs.

If you have gone through the process of child wean properly, you are looking for an alternative kickstart for the day.

Egg muffins, Mushy fruits, Pancakes, and Frozen Yogurt are some of the best breakfast ideas for one-year-old babies. You can also feed the flavored or chocolate milk occasionally.

Nuts and Dates can also be used as morning food to kick start a healthy day.

You’ll find thousands of articles related to “Breakfast ideas for one-year-old,” but going through all of them might be a little tricky and time-consuming.

Don’t worry because this is where we came in. We have done a lot of research and have gathered some of the best breakfast ideas that are easy to make. Dive into the best ideas and tricks.

Table of Contents

Fun breakfast ideas for one-year-old – Because breakfasts are not dull anymore.

Have a look at some of the fun-tastic ideas that your child will surely love. These ideas are good to go and easy to make.

Best Breakfast Ideas For 1-year-old (1)

1. Mushy Fruits – Go Natural.

Fruits are the best breakfast ideas for toddlers. They are full of essential vitamins and good sugar.

Ingredients: Go with 4-5 grapes, a little piece of mango, and a handful of berries.

How to make it: Pour all the fruits into a cute bowl and mash them a little with a fork.

2. Smoothies – Easy to Digest.

Smoothies are another great idea to feed toddlers. These are fun and offer many varieties. It is an easy-to-go meal idea, and kids love them.

Ingredients: One cup of milk, ¼ cup of mixed fruits, ¼ cup of baby spinach, one teaspoon of nuts, and honey.

How to make it: Pour all of the breakfast ingredients into a blender and give it a good blend for 30 seconds. Voila – it is ready.

3. Scrambled eggs – Every day is an egg day.

Eggs are the most nutritious dairy products. These are naturally full of vitamins and good cholesterol- a healthy breakfast idea for a 1-year-old baby.

Ingredients: 1 whole egg. Pinch of salt. One teaspoon of vegetable oil.

How to cook: Beat all the ingredients well in a bowl. Pour the mixture into a heated cast iron frying pan. Please wait for 20 seconds and then mix it well again for scrambled texture.

4. Low sugar cereal – A must-try.

Cereals are part of our breakfast routines. Why not introduce them into your baby’s life while disciplining and teaching 1-year-old babies.

Ingredients: ½ cup of any organic cereal. ½ cup of regular or soy milk. Few resins or add frits for sweetness.

How to make it: It is one of the easiest breakfast recipes. Just soak the cereal into preheated milk before serving. Add fruits at last and let your baby enjoy this wonder.

5. Overnight Oats – Nutritious Toddler Breakfast.

East and the West – Oats are the best. It’s time to introduce this wonder into the life of the 1-year-old baby.

Ingredients: ½ cup of Oats, ½ cup of milk or yogurt, 3 tbsp of crushed, mixed nuts.

How to make it: Soak all ingredients overnight in milk. Stir a little before serving. It is an easy and pocket-friendly Breakfast recipe.

Dairy-free breakfast ideas for one-year-old – Healthy and Yummy hand to hand.

Some babies are allergic to dairy products. Too much consumption of milk and related products can cause lactose intolerance in toddlers.

Best Breakfast Ideas For 1-year-old (2)

Here are some of the yummy dairy-free breakfast ideas for toddlers.

1. Banana Rolls – Fruit Sushi.

Bananas are the best friend of your toddler. They are full of essential vitamins, Calcium, and Zinc. A fun way to spice up traditional breakfast.

Ingredients: ½ Banana, ½ Slice of Non-Dairy Bread.

How to make it:

  1. Peel and slice half banana into thin slices.
  2. Spread them on the non-dairy bread slice or bagel.
  3. Add a little maple syrup for a more heavenly taste.

2. Peanut Butter – Mamma Mia, Here we go again.

Behold…! Here comes the yummy food item for babies. Peanut butter goes well with almost everything. You can use them to spread too.

Ingredients: 1 tbsp of peanut butter.

How to feed it to a baby: There are multiple ways to use peanut butter in breakfast. You can add it to smoothies. Make a peanut butter sandwich or Peanut Butter shake with mangoes.

3. Soy Milk and Almond Milk Cereal – Straight out of Heaven.

There are plenty of non-dairy kinds of milk available. You can use them for breakfast. Soak the cereal in soy milk or almond milk and feed it to your baby.

Always use Non-dairy milk only if recommended by the child’s physician.

Ingredients: ½ cup of Oats, ½ cup of Soy milk, or Almond Milk.

How to make it: Soak all ingredients overnight in dairy-free milk. Stir a little before serving. It is an easy and pocket-friendly Breakfast recipe.

What is the best non-dairy milk?

Here are some of the healthiest non-dairy milk options.

  1. Soy Milk.
  2. Almond Milk.
  3. Rice Milk.
  4. Oat Milk.
  5. Coconut Milk.

4. Avocado Green Bowl – Best Vegan Breakfast.

An avocado bowl has every nutrition and essential vitamin for a 1-year-old baby. Avocados are full of folate, magnesium, and potassium.

Avocados and Kiwis go hand to hand – A healthful green breakfast option.

Ingredients: Half avocado, One whole kiwi. (Baby spinach can be added)

How to serve it: Cut the fruits into cubicles or fun shapes. Add a little brown sugar or honey for a fantastic texture. You can also make a green smoothie for babies out of it.

5. Egg Wraps – A Fun option.

There are plenty of reasons to eat eggs daily. Eggs are a must-have option in child breakfast. You can feed it in several ways.

Ingredients: One whole boiled egg. Egg white to make wraps.

How to make it: Mash the hard-boiled egg with a pinch of salt and pepper. Add it to already made egg wrap. You can also serve this as egg salad.

Are eggs dairy?

Eggs are not dairy products. Anything that is laid by birds is not considered dairy.

Healthy breakfast ideas for one-year-old – It’s all about nutrition.

Curious about the nutrition of the baby. Here is your complete guide on healthy food options for babies.

1. Pancakes – We all love them

Pancakes are the traditional American breakfast item. Kids love them to eat. You can easily make them at home.

Ingredients: Pancake mixture, Butter, Maple Syrup, and a little milk or water.

How to make pancakes: Mix well pancake mixture with liquids. After getting the desired consistency, pour the batter into the pan—Cook well for 30 seconds from both sides.

Serve with topping of maple syrup. You can also choose to top it with berries or cream cheese.

2. Mini Waffles – Bring it on.

Wednesdays are waffle days—another American breakfast idea for toddlers. Always use a whole grain mixture for more fiber.

Ingredients: Waffles Mix, Milk.

How to make Waffles at home: Mix the waffle mixture with milk. Pour this mixture into the waffle maker and wait till it gets ready—a fantastic breakfast treat for 1-year-old babies.

3. Egg Muffins – It’s egg day.

Kids love muffins. Egg muffins are an excellent way to feed kid veggies in style. You can easily make them on Sundays and store them for next week.

Ingredients: English Muffins, Eggs, American Cheese, and vegetables.

How to make egg muffins: Egg muffins are easy to make at home. Just whisk some eggs. Add all the veggies and cheese to it.

Pour the mixture into a greased muffin plate. Bake it at 350 F in a preheated oven.

4. Granola Bar – Healthy tummy, Healthy baby.

Want to introduce more flavors into the breakfast of a 1-year old baby. Go with an easy homemade granola bar. It is full of nuts and an excellent idea for a healthy breakfast.

Ingredients: Mixed Nuts, Resins, and Honey. Add coconut oil for more flavor.

The making process of healthy granola bars:

  1. Mix well all the ingredients.
  2. Fold the components onto a glass plate.
  3. Cut in pieces. You can also add these bars into kids’ smoothies.

5. Sweet potatoes – Because potatoes are a blessing.

Twelve months is the perfect age to introduce different flavors to babies. Potatoes are rich in folate, Zinc, Vitamin B12, and iron. A kid can eat 10 to 15 grams of it daily.

Ingredients: Potatoes of any kind.

The way: Boil them, Mash them, or go for french fries. Potatoes are easy. For more fun, mix other veggies with mashed potatoes. TADA leisurely peasy healthy breakfast for kids.

Quick Breakfast ideas for a 12 months old baby – Save time to love your baby more.

I was feeling down, or if you are a working mom looking for quick breakfast ideas. We got you. The following recipes are easy to cook for under 2-3 minutes.

Best Breakfast Ideas For 1-year-old (4)

1. Frozen Yogurt – Good to Go.

Suppose you are looking for easy breakfast ideas. This is probably the most straightforward idea. It’s full of good fat and helps the baby to grow and be happy.

Ingredients: Plain Yogurt.

Just serve it already. Don’t serve too cold. Whisk it a bit. From fruits to honey, you have multiple options to add to it.

2. Pre-made cookies – A big YES.

Some Days you should go for cookies – because cookies are fun and fun. 1-year-old babies love them for breakfast. Here is the recipe to make healthy cookies at home.

Ingredients: Cookie dough, Chocolate chips, nuts, and resins.

How to make cookies for babies at home: Roll the cookie dough, add resins and chocolate chips onto it. Bake them for 25-40 minutes into the preheated oven at 120 F.

3. Fruit jam on Toast – Giving vital energy.

Another quick and easy breakfast idea for a 1-year-old kid. Whole Grain Toast is full of energy, and fruit jams are full of flavor. An excellent combination for a good breakfast.

Ingredients: Any Fruit jam, Hash Brown Toast.

How to roll: Put a little jam on half-hearted toast, and it’s good to go.

4. Chocolate Milk – You’ll carve it too.

According to a survey by Candy USA, 90% of the American population love chocolate. We are all guilty of loving chocolate. Isn’t it true?

Is chocolate milk okay for toddlers?

The answer is yes. Chocolate milk is okay unless you are not giving it to your baby daily. Once in a week causes no harm.

Just don’t add additional sugar or flavors with it.

5. Apple and Oranges – Fruity Breakfast.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apple is the best food for iron and oranges are full of Vitamin C. It is the best morning food.

Ingredients: Cubical cut apple chunks, Peeled oranges.

Just serve them plain with no added sugar or salt. Let your kid play with different unique flavors.

Vegan Breakfast Ideas for 1-year-old kids – Go Green ideas!

Let’s be honest here, we all refused to eat vegetables when we were kids. Your kid may also do the same. Here are some of the remarkable ways to feed vegetables to babies.

Best Breakfast Ideas For 1-year-old (5)

1. Roasted carrots – Keep it simple.

It is an easy and simple vegetable breakfast idea for kids. Carrots are very healthy and good options for toddler food.

Wash and peel some baby carrots. Bake them in the oven for a good 20 minutes. Feed it to a baby boy or little princess. Add caramel a little if the baby refuses to eat it.

2. Spinach Eggs – A lavish treat.

Treat your baby with spinach eggs on weekends. Spinach is a great vegetable. This green leafy food product is full of iron and folic.

Add some baby spinach into eggs and make an omelet. You can also roll it like a warp.

3. Peas with Potatoes – Peas are necessary.

Pease is the powerhouse food for little one. They are full of fibers, omega 3, and proteins A, C, and K. Peas for breakfast are a must-try option.

Serve mashed boiled peas with mashed potatoes. You can also add them to egg muffins for additional taste.

What Vegetables are suitable for one-year-old babies?

Peas, carrots, spinach, and broccoli are perfect for babies over the age of 8 months. These vegetables are full of nutrition, fiber, and needed vitamins.

4. Tomato soup – Trusted by many, Approved by professionals.

Tomato soup is another best option for breakfast. Feed your baby the warm tomato broth in the morning. It is easy to digest and provides the energy for the whole day.

Ingredients: Tomatoes, Cherry tomatoes, or baby tomatoes. A pinch of parsley and butter.

How to make tomato soup at home:

  1. Peel the tomatoes and give them a good boil.
  2. Add butter to it and blend it.
  3. Feed mild warmth to junior.

A healthy option for morning food.

5. Baked Broccoli – Yup! They need it.

Boiled broccoli is simply a fantastic dish for morning food. It is a portion of powerful food for babies. Feed it with boiled or scrambled eggs.

Have a look at this “Food proportion size for 1-year-old”. So, you can understand when UNICEF approves it too much.

Portion size for Toddlers per serving.

  1. ¼ of a plain bagel.
  2. ½ slice of bread per day with 1 tsp jam on it.
  3. ¼ granola bar.
  4. Twenty grams of potatoes a day.
  5. One egg is enough per day.
  6. A handful of nuts per week.
  7. Chocolate milk once every week.
  8. One hundred grams of mixed vegetables per week.
  9. Two bowls of assorted fruits per week.
  10. Soups on weekends.


Breakfast is fun and essential. Never skip the breakfast your baby. Please keep it simple and healthy. Try not to feed the baby the same food over gain.

Occasionally treat them with chocolate and candies. I never used additional flavors. Use minimal salt and enjoy this time.

4the love of mommy has a complete guide on parenting. Be it names, Birthday celebration ideas, or baby naps directions, we are here to help you because we care – HAPPY PARENTING

Best Breakfast Ideas For 1-year-old (2024)


Best Breakfast Ideas For 1-year-old? ›

Sample menu for a 1- and 2-year-old

Here's an example of what and how much your toddler might eat in a day. Breakfast: 1/2 cup of iron-fortified cereal or one egg (hard-boiled and cut into chunks, or scrambled) 1/3 cup of fruit, like sliced strawberries, banana, or melon.

What is a good protein for a 1 year old breakfast? ›

Toddler-Friendly Protein Options
  • Cream cheese.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Shredded cheese.
  • Tofu, cubed.
  • Beans.
  • Hummus.
  • Eggs, scrambled, hard boiled, egg muffins.
  • Plain yogurt.

How much should a 1 year old eat for breakfast? ›

Sample menu for a 1- and 2-year-old

Here's an example of what and how much your toddler might eat in a day. Breakfast: 1/2 cup of iron-fortified cereal or one egg (hard-boiled and cut into chunks, or scrambled) 1/3 cup of fruit, like sliced strawberries, banana, or melon.

What should a 1 year old eat in a day? ›

By age 1 children need about 1,000 calories every day (see examples of healthy meal patterns). Toddlers have small tummies and can only eat a little bit at a time, so they should eat five to six healthy meals and snacks a day. Follow a regular schedule to help your child learn when to expect to eat.

What foods should a 1 year old not eat? ›

Toddlers between 12 and 24 months should avoid:
  • foods with added sugars and no-calorie sweeteners, including sugar-sweetened and diet drinks.
  • high-sodium foods.
  • unpasteurized juice, milk, yogurt, or cheese.
  • foods that may cause choking, such as hot dogs, raw vegetables, grapes, hard cheese, popcorn, and nuts.

What is the healthiest breakfast for a 12 year old? ›

14 healthy breakfast ideas for kids before school
  1. Whole grain toast with nut butter and berries (and an egg!) ...
  2. Cereal and milk. ...
  3. Greek yogurt with granola and banana slices. ...
  4. Bean and cheese breakfast taco. ...
  5. Banana boats with nut butter and chia and flax seeds. ...
  6. Oatmeal with nut butter and fruit.
Jul 14, 2023

How much should a 1 year old weigh? ›

Babies should triple their birth weight by their first birthday. The average weight for boys at 12 months is 21 pounds 3 ounces (9.6 kilograms) and the average weight for girls is 19 pounds 10 ounces (8.9 kilograms).

Is a banana enough for 1 year old breakfast? ›

Yes. Bananas are packed with carbohydrates to energize the body and essential nutrients that babies need to thrive, like folate, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium. Together these nutrients support the nervous system, skin health, iron absorption, and blood pressure.

Is a banana a good breakfast for a 1 year old? ›

Bananas are a great first food to introduce to babies as they're easy to digest, already soft and mushy, and packed full of vitamins and minerals. You can also easily mix bananas with rice cereal that your baby might already be eating they are the perfect natural sweetener or just serve (mashed) bananas straight up.

What to give picky toddlers for breakfast? ›

Here are eight breakfast ideas, including a few recipes, for you to try and see what works with your little ones.
  • Make-ahead egg muffins. ...
  • Frozen whole grain waffles. ...
  • Whole grain cereal. ...
  • Nutty toast. ...
  • Breakfast bars. ...
  • Yogurt. ...
  • Egg burritos. ...
  • Smoothies.

What cereal can a 1 year old eat? ›

Babies over 12 months can continue to enjoy cereal, but they likely no longer need infant-specific cereals. They can enjoy ready-to-eat warm cereals like oatmeal or cold breakfast cereals. Again, it's best to be mindful of ingredients, such as added sugars.

What is the best breakfast brain food for kids? ›

Examples: eggs, nuts, cheese, yogurt, nut butters (peanut, almond), meat, fish, chicken and turkey. Carbohydrates instantly feed the brain and working muscles and fiber slows digestion, providing a steady release of energy over time. Examples: whole grain cereal, bread, tortillas, pita, crackers, oats and pasta.

What should a toddlers breakfast look like? ›

Serving three nutritious meals and three healthy snacks a day is a good rule of thumb. Keep in mind that portion sizes for a toddler tend to smaller than those of an older child or adult. A typical toddler breakfast could be one egg or a half cup of breakfast cereal, plus a 1/3 cup of fruit and a half cup of milk.

What food can I cook for my 1 year old? ›

What do you feed a picky 1-year-old?
  • On-the-go breakfast muffins with fresh fruit.
  • Scrambled eggs with grilled sweet potato wedges.
  • Banana oatmeal pancakes with yogurt.
  • Baked oatmeal with berries.
  • French toast fingers with a fruit smoothie.
  • Bite-sized turkey sandwich pieces with fruit kabobs.
Jun 28, 2019

What foods can I make for my 1 year old? ›

12 Healthy and Practical Foods for 1-Year-Olds
  • Bananas, peaches, and other soft fruits. ...
  • Yogurt and milk. ...
  • Oatmeal. ...
  • Whole grain pancakes. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Firm or silken tofu. ...
  • Chicken or turkey bites. ...
  • Avocado.
Jan 20, 2020

Can 1 year old eat sandwich? ›

Of course, you can just offer quartered/halved sandwiches at about 10+ months, but your child may have more success when you modify the sandwich to account for their current developmental stage.

What kind of food can I give my 1 year old? ›

Each meal needs to be packed with nutritious food. Be sure your child has a portion of animal foods (milk, dairy, eggs, meat, fish and poultry) each day, plus legumes (like chickpeas, lentils or peas) – or nuts, and orange or green vegetables and fruits. Add a little oil or fat to their food for energy.


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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.