ChEMBL web services: streamlining access to drug discovery data and utilities (2024)

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  • Nucleic Acids Res
  • v.43(Web Server issue); 2015 Jul 1
  • PMC4489243

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ChEMBL web services: streamlining access to drug discovery data and utilities (1)

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Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jul 1; 43(Web Server issue): W612–W620.

Published online 2015 Apr 16. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv352

PMCID: PMC4489243

PMID: 25883136

Mark Davies, Michał Nowotka, George Papadatos, Nathan Dedman, Anna Gaulton, Francis Atkinson, Louisa Bellis, and John P. Overington*

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer

Associated Data

Supplementary Materials


ChEMBL is now a well-established resource in the fields of drug discovery and medicinal chemistry research. The ChEMBL database curates and stores standardized bioactivity, molecule, target and drug data extracted from multiple sources, including the primary medicinal chemistry literature. Programmatic access to ChEMBL data has been improved by a recent update to the ChEMBL web services (version 2.0.x,, which exposes significantly more data from the underlying database and introduces new functionality. To complement the data-focused services, a utility service (version 1.0.x,, which provides RESTful access to commonly used cheminformatics methods, has also been concurrently developed. The ChEMBL web services can be used together or independently to build applications and data processing workflows relevant to drug discovery and chemical biology.


The ChEMBL database (1,2) is the largest primary Open Data source of manually extracted and curated Structure Activity Relationship data from the medicinal chemistry literature. The primary relationship captured in the ChEMBL database is the association between a ligand and a biological target in the form of an experimentally measured activity end-point, e.g. half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50). The properties of a successful drug though do not solely derive from a single potency against a specific target, thus the ChEMBL database also contains many additional bioassays, such as efficacy in functional assays, ADME and toxicity end-points and physicochemical properties. Further curation and standardisation of data are carried out and additional calculated properties and annotations are added, e.g. names and synonyms, target information, calculated properties and structure representations, and drug mechanism of action.

ChEMBL data is made available in multiple formats. For in-house integration purposes, it is possible to download relational database exports, flat-file representations and the myChEMBL virtual machine (3,4). Online access is provided through the ChEMBL web interface (, the EBI-RDF platform (5) and the ChEMBL web services. The data in ChEMBL is licensed under CC-BY-SA ( Additionally ChEMBL data is also available via other resources that integrate ChEMBL data, such as BindingDB (6) and PubChem BioAssay (7,8). The ChEMBL web services are built using a RESTful architecture and provide users with programmatic access to the data. A recent update to the web services exposes more data from the underlying ChEMBL database and also provides new functionality, both of which significantly improve data integration opportunities.


The ChEMBL web services were first released in 2011. Since this first unpublished web service release, the content and data model of the underlying ChEMBL database have evolved significantly and these changes have not been propagated through to the respective web services. In this publication we describe an updated set of web services, which expand access to ChEMBL data and also include a number of new features, such as advanced data filtering, ordering and paging capabilities. A comparison between the updated ChEMBL web services and the previous version is presented in Supplementary Table S1.


The ChEMBL database (release 20) consists of 63 tables. The tables and the relationships between them can be seen in the ChEMBL release schema diagram ( To assist with Create, Read, Update and Delete operations on the database, a detailed model has been created of the database using Object Relational Mapping (ORM) technique. An ORM-based model maps each table within a database schema to a software class and the columns and relationships between tables are mapped to class attributes and methods respectively. One advantage of using an ORM-based model is that it avoids the use of raw SQL when interacting with the database, which is often a source of hard to detect errors and vulnerabilities in code bases. The ChEMBL ORM model is also database agnostic, which allows the same code to be executed on different database engines. The ORM model built for the ChEMBL database provides developers with a convenient way to access the data stored in underlying database. In the case of the ChEMBL ORM model, it did not make sense to expose it directly, as this would require the user to perform multiple http requests in order to handle the complex database relationships, which can increase application complexity and have a negative impact on the speed. Instead, a set of RESTful web service resources have been built on top ChEMBL ORM model. In the case of the ChEMBL web services, ‘Molecule’ would be an example of a web service resource. It is important to design each resource with a data granularity level that provides efficient access to the underlying data. For example, if a user is interested in one or more molecules and their associated molecular properties (e.g. molecular weight) and structural representation (e.g. InChI string), the user would need to make multiple references to related objects, retrieving data from the molecule_dictionary, molecule_properties and compound_structure tables. It would be more convenient if this data was aggregated under a single Molecule resource. The approach of aggregating data about specific domains, e.g. Assay, Molecule, Activity and Target into a single resource, has been used to build the ChEMBL web services. Table ​Table11 provides the full list of ChEMBL data-focused web services.

Table 1.

ChEMBL web service resources

ExampleDescriptionName values recorded in an AssayActivity details as reported in source Document/DatasetAssay ATC Classification for drugsATC binding site definitionBindingSite moleculesBiotherapeutic line informationCellLine up ChEMBL Id entity typeChEMBL-IdLookup from which Assays have been extractedDocument of action information for FDA-approved drugsMechanism informationMolecule between molecule parents and saltsMoleculeForm (protein and non-protein) defined in AssayTarget sequence information (A Target may have 1 or more sequences)Target-Component (png, svg, json) representation of MoleculeImage family classification of TargetComponentsProtein- Classification substructure searchSubstructure similarity searchSimilarity sourceSource


Web service documentation

ChEMBL contains many different entity types, which include molecules, bioactivity data points, assay protocols, documents, proteins, cell lines and organisms. To facilitate the discovering and exploring of the web service resources, interactive documentation has been made available online ( The documentation page lists all of the web service resources, which when clicked, will expand to display a description, required parameters and supported response formats. The documentation page can also be used to submit an example request to a resource and view the corresponding response. Figure ​Figure11 shows the documentation for the Activity resource, where request details are displayed on the left and response details on the right, making it easy for a user to view and copy the data returned by the web service call. The documentation has been written in accordance with the SPORE specification ( and the meta-description used to generate the web service documentation is available online The online meta-description of the ChEMBL web services allows for the documentation to be generated automatically using the ‘chembl_tastypie_docs’ python package ( The ‘chembl_tastypie_docs’ package can be used to automatically document any RESTful API generated using the Python Tastypie library. Additional documentation and example queries using the ChEMBL web services are available online

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Figure 1.

Interactive online SPORE documentation for the Activity resource.

Traversing the web services

When a user interacts with a relational database, the initial point of reference will be the schema diagram. The schema diagram describes the data content of each table and the relationships between the tables. This allows a user to build an SQL query that will retrieve a specific subset of data from the database. The ChEMBL web services allow users to retrieve and filter all data for a specific resource, for example to retrieve all targets from the ChEMBL web services the following URL can be called To ask a more complicated question such as return the protein targets, that interact with drugs classified as being used in the treatment of diabetes, knowledge about web service topology is required, which can take the form of a web service schema. The web service schema maps the relationships between each of the web service resources and this allows a user to chain together a series web service requests, which will make it possible to answer the more complicated query. The ChEMBL web service schema diagram is displayed in Figure ​Figure2.2. Each of the oval shapes in Figure2 represents a ChEMBL web service resource and the arrows between them indicates that resources share a common attribute. For example the Activity and Assay resources both contain the assay_chembl_id attribute. This means additional assay details, such as the assay_description, can be retrieved for activity data sets by making calls to the Assay resource. The direction of the arrow represents a foreign key constraint, found on the underlying relational database, for example the assay_chembl_id attribute is the unique identifier in the Assay resource, but occurs multiple times in the Activity resource. Using the relationships mapped out in the web service schema in collaboration with the online documentation makes it possible to answer complex queries using ChEMBL data.

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Figure 2.

ChEMBL web service schema diagram. The oval shapes represent ChEMBL web service resources and the line between two resources indicates that they share a common attribute. The arrow direction shows where the primary information about a resource type can be found. A dashed line indicates the relationship between two resources behaves differently. For example the Image resource provides a graphical based representation of a Molecule.

Data filtering and sorting

The ChEMBL web services allow for the retrieval of all entries for a specific resource. It is also possible to apply filters to searches using URL friendly query language built on top of the Django QuerySet API ( The format for submitting a filtered search is presented in Figure ​Figure3A,3A, where the variables are the <resource>, <field>, <filter_type> and <value>. Based on this format, the URL displayed in Figure ​Figure3B3B will return Assays that have a ‘B’ assay_type. It is possible to apply multiple filters on a particular resource by separating multiple filter arguments with an ampersand character. To help optimize the filtering process additional filter_types are available and these are described in Table ​Table2.2. It is also possible to order how results are returned to the user by using an ‘order_by = <field>’ argument. This is demonstrated in Figure ​Figure3C,3C, where the molecule search results are returned ordered in ascending order based on the molecules full_mwt property.

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Figure 3.

ChEMBL web service filtering and sorting examples. A: Example arguments for web service filter query (note the double underscore between <field> and <filter_type>). B: Example web service query returning binding (‘B’) assays. C: Example web service ordering query, which returns molecules ordered by molecular weight in ascending order. The ordering can be changed to descending order by placing a minus sign before the field name, e.g. ‘order_by = -molecule_properties__full_mwt’.

Table 2.

Example filter types that can be used in ChEMBL web services

ExampleDescriptionFilter types match with queryexact (iexact) card search with querycontains (icontains) with querystartswith (istartswith) with queryendswith (iendswith)|cdk2)Regular expression queryregex (iregex) than (or equal)gt (gte) than (or equal)lt (lte),500Within a range of valuesrange,CHEMBL941,CHEMBL1000Appears within list of query valuesin is nullisnull

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The ‘i’ versions of filter types, e.g. iexact, represent case insensitive forms. The ‘gt’ and ‘lt’ filter_type examples demonstrate how to access a field within a nested block. In these cases the full_mwt and alogp fields are contained within a ‘molecule_properties’ block. To access the fields contained within this section, the field name is double underscore prepended with the outer block name, e.g. ‘molecule_properties__full_mwt’.

Chemical searching and representation

The Substructure and Similarity resources extend the previously defined data model, by providing users with additional chemical search functionality. Using these resources it is possible to search the molecules in the ChEMBL database, that have a molfile (9), using the Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System (SMILES) representation (10) of another molecule. It is also possible to search for molecules within the ChEMBL database, using the molecule ChEMBL_ID or InChI key. This enables users to quickly define the chemical space for a given molecule within the ChEMBL database, based on ChEMBL_ID or commonly used chemical representations. Example substructure and similarity queries are provided in Supplementary Table S2.

The Image resource provides a graphical representation of a ChEMBL molecule and can be searched with either ChEMBL_ID or InChI key. Instead of accepting pagination and filtering arguments, the Image resource accepts methods that allow user to select format (png, svg and json), structure rendering engine (RDKit or Indigo,,, reset molfile coordinates and output image size. Supplementary Table S3 provides more details on the arguments accepted by the Image resource.

Web service client example

The complex query, which returned protein targets that interact with drugs classified as being used in the treatment of diabetes, can be answered by making a series of requests to the ChEMBL web services. An example workflow that could be used to answer this question is outlined in Table ​Table3.3. When reviewing the steps in Table ​Table3,3, it should be noted that additional programmatic steps are required to parse and store the data being returned by the web service requests. To return requests for large data sets, e.g. exceeding 13 million activity values, the ChEMBL web services have implemented a result-set paging mechanism. Information regarding the number of hits, the number of pages, number of hits per page and the URLs to the next and previous result-set page are captured in page_meta section. An example of the page_meta section is provided in Figure ​Figure4.4. Parsing the data stored in the page_meta allows a user to quickly retrieve and process a large result-set in batches.

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Figure 4.

ChEMBL web service page_meta section from a request to

Table 3.

Example ChEMBL web service calls, which would return protein targets that interact with drugs classified as being used in the treatment of diabetes

1Return the distinct set of molecules that match ATC codes starting with ‘A10’
2Return the distinct set of targets from the activities resource for previously matched molecules, where the pChEMBL value is greater than or equal to 6. For each molecule returned in Step 1, the following example URL will be requested, changing the molecule_chembl_id each time.
3Return additional target data e.g. name, organism, target type and accessions. For each target returned in Step 2, the following example URL will be requested, changing the target chembl_id each time.

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Additional processing of results are required at each stage to generate final results.

Accessing the ChEMBL web services via the raw URLs allows users to easily integrate ChEMBL data into applications and retrieve data using command line tools such as, cURL ( To minimize the required results parsing, a ChEMBL web resource client ( has been created for the Python programming language. The client handles interaction with the HTTPS protocol and caches all results in the local file system for faster retrieval. Abstracting away all network-related tasks, the client provides the end user with a convenient interface, giving the impression of working with a local resource. The client code base is small, easy to install and its design is based on the Django QuerySet interface ( The client also implements lazy evaluation of results, which means it will only evaluate a request for data when a value is required. This approach reduces number of network requests and increases performance. The simplified version of workflow in Table ​Table33 using the ChEMBL web service client is presented in Figure5.

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Figure 5.

Example of using the ChEMBL web service client to return protein targets that interact with drugs classified as being used in the treatment diabetes.


The ChEMBL web services are built on top of the modular software stack, consisting of many reusable components, which is illustrated in Figure ​Figure6.6. All of the components are written in Python programming language and are used within Django software framework ( The ‘chembl_core_model’ package ( is responsible for providing the previously described ORM representation of the ChEMBL database. The ‘chembl_core_model’ package is generated automatically by inspection of the ChEMBL database using the ‘reverseEngineer’ command provided in the ‘chembl_extras’ package ( The automatically generated model is manually inspected before release to ensure any new data types and constraints in the underlying ChEMBL database are represented correctly in the ORM-based model.

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Figure 6.

ChEMBL web service software components. The green circles correspond to python libraries developed by the ChEMBL group and are available on the ChEMBL GitHub site. Django ( and Tastypie ( are open source python libraries, which are core dependencies of the ChEMBL web services.

Access between the ORM-based model and the backend ChEMBL database, which could be Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL or any other supported database engine, is provided through the ‘chembl_core_db’ package ( To reduce load on the underlying database and improve performance a custom caching solution has been built on top of the standard Django cache backend interface ( The cache implementation uses MongoDB ( as a data store. The decision to use MongoDB was based on the following factors. Firstly, the contents stored within a MongoDB will survive a server reboot, unlike memcached ( based solutions and certain caching mechanisms available in the underlying database (e.g. ORACLE CACHE Optimizer Hint). Secondly, MongoDB also supports data replication and load balancing, which was a very important requirement for the scalable production environment in which the ChEMBL web services run. The cache works by storing the data requests as a zlib compressed, base64-encoded pickle ( of QuerySet ( results. This process happens transparently and also overcomes the MongoDB maximum document size limitation, by chunking the objects into 16 MB blocks. A configurable timeout is set on every interaction with the MongoDB cache to ensure that the whole process will be faster than requesting the data directly from the database. Additional configurable parameters include compression level, chunk size and cache-key generation algorithm.

The ‘chembl_webservices_2’ package ( is responsible for exposing the ChEMBL ORM model as a web service. The ‘chembl_webservices_2’ package captures the mapping between the web resource fields and the ORM classes, defined in the ‘chembl_core_model’ package. The ‘chembl_webservices_2’ package also uses the Tastypie API framework (, to handle all functionality associated with a RESTful interface, such as filtering, pagination, interaction with cache and error handling.


Access to the ChEMBL database via a web service can be seen as a ‘data-focused’ service, as it is responsible for retrieving data stored in the ChEMBL database. To assist with data processing, loading and curating, a requirement to build additional ‘cheminformatics-focused’ services was identified. Examples of desired routine operations provided by such a service include property calculations (e.g. molecular weight), conversion between various structure formats (e.g. molfile to SMILES), structure standardisation and extraction of chemical information from their graphical representation. Access to such services is normally provided through language specific chemical software libraries, e.g. RDKit and Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) (11). To remove the language dependency and the often non-trivial installation process, access to these services is provided via a web service. In line with the Service Oriented Architecture principles, this ‘Chemistry As A Service’ approach facilitates the deployment of a single, centralized instance of the software and allows the underlying cheminformatics methods to be accessed and consumed by all languages, application frameworks and workflow tools that support access to RESTful web services. The service, ‘ChEMBL Beaker’ (, is a light-weight application that wraps the functionality of the RDKit open source cheminformatics library (12). ChEMBL Beaker resources, which can be accessed by both GET and POST requests, are listed in Supplementary Table S4. ChEMBL Beaker has become an integral part of the new ChEMBL web services infrastructure, creating a convenient and powerful tandem with data-focused resources. Interactive documentation is also available for the ChEMBL Beaker services (


ChEMBL bioactivity data for a molecule extracted from an image

The ChEMBL web services can be called via any programming language or workflow tool, such as Taverna (13), KNIME (14) or Pipeline Pilot ( The latter two, in particular, have been increasingly adopted by the computational and medicinal chemistry community, mainly due to their ease of use and the number of chemistry and cheminformatics extensions available. This use case was implemented here as a KNIME (version 2.11) workflow, summarized in Figure7. The workflow takes advantage of the KREST node extensions (, which integrate RESTful functionality within KNIME. As the first step of the workflow, the user can manually sketch a query structure as input; here the structure of the recently approved drug palbociclib (CHEMBL189963) was used. Alternatively, the user can provide an image (PNG, JPEG or TIFF format), of a structure, which is then converted to the corresponding 2D structure by calling the image2ctab Beaker web service. The query is then submitted to the similarity search web service and the hits are retrieved and sorted by similarity in a KNIME table. The 15 closest analogues are used as input for the activity web service call, which in turn retrieves all bioactivities in ChEMBL for these molecules. Finally, after the bioactivities are filtered and summarized, the data are presented as an activity profile heat map chart, produced by R (Figure ​(Figure7D7D).

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Figure 7.

(A) KNIME workflow combining data and utility ChEMBL web service requests. (B) The image of the drug palbociclib is extracted from a patent document and then converted to the corresponding 2D structure via a Beaker call - shown in (C). The structure is then used as a query in a similarity search web service call against the ChEMBL database. Finally, all bioactivities for the drug and its close analogues are retrieved via a third web service call. (D) The resulting bioactivities and filtered and plotted in a heat map across compounds and their corresponding biological targets.

The example workflow presented above illustrates the power of web services tightly coupled with the data analysis capabilities of KNIME. ChEMBL data are readily retrieved within KNIME without the need of a local database or a chemical database cartridge. Additional cheminformatics functionality (e.g. image to structure conversion) is available seamlessly without the need to install the necessary tools locally, e.g. OSRA ( Finally, the data can be easily further processed, manipulated and visualized in KNIME, which provides additional integration with other established data mining tools such as Python and R. Importantly, this data and analysis combination of functionalities is freely available to everyone. The example KNIME workflow can be downloaded from


The ChEMBL web services are hosted on EMBL-EBI infrastructure and are made freely accessible to all users over a secure HTTPS connection. Users working in intellectual property sensitive settings may be restricted from accessing publicly hosted services, even when using a HTTPS connection. To ensure all users are able to access the ChEMBL web services a number of measures have been taken. Firstly, we have made the code base for the ChEMBL web services available on GitHub ( under the standard OSI-approved open source Apache 2.0 License ( For convenience, the software is divided into small reusable packages (described in technical implementation section), which have also been registered into Python Package Index ( Access to the source code will provide an acceptable solution for many users looking to access the ChEMBL web services behind a cooperate firewall. This also allows software developers to easily reuse and extend the functionality of the ChEMBL web services. The local installation of the ChEMBL web services will require additional dependencies, most importantly the ChEMBL relational database with a supported chemical cartridge installed. This is a non-trivial setup and may be beyond the technical capabilities of some users. To assist users in this situation, an alternative approach to getting a local installation of the ChEMBL web services is to use myChEMBL (, which provides users with a local secure version of the ChEMBL web services.


The ChEMBL web services have seen a significant enhancement in the data and functionality they offer. The first release of the updated services can be considered a foundation release, on to which new resources and search-based services will be built. The addition of new data resources will be tightly coupled to the ChEMBL release, where the underlying data model is often extended. As the ChEMBL web services are built on top of an ORM-based software model, which reflects the underlying relational model of the ChEMBL database, exposing new data resources is a very straightforward process. With regard to the addition of new search-based services, this will very much depend on the feedback from users of the service and the availability and ease of integration of new technologies. Follow on extensions to this project may include the addition of a BLAST (15) search resource that will allow users to run sequence-based searches against protein targets and biotherapeutics. We also intend to integrate SOLR ( searching capabilities, as an extension of the existing filtering mechanism. By using SOLR indexes as an optional backend to the ChEMBL web services, users will benefit from significantly faster query execution times and the ability to write complex filters using Lucene ( based query syntax.

The primary goal of the ChEMBL web services is to deliver ChEMBL data and services in a machine-readable format that is easy for an application to consume and process further. Therefore, we consider these services to be a platform on which more complex tools and applications can be built or integrated. For example, by supporting cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and JSONP, the ChEMBL data can easily be integrated with web-based applications. The availability of the web services client makes the process of integration even easier for developers using the Python programming language. The provision of additional language specific clients is a desired extension to the project, but we would like to encourage our users to assist in this endeavour by contributing their own efforts to the community.

Finally, it is hoped that the recent changes that have been made to ChEMBL web services will improve the accessibility of the ChEMBL data to both researchers and software developers working in the field of drug discovery.


Supplementary Data are available at NAR Online.


Click here to view.


All ChEMBL users, in particular those who have contacted chembl-help and suggested enhancements to the existing services.


Strategic Award for Chemogenomics from the Wellcome Trust [WT086151/Z/08/Z and WT104104/Z/14/Z]; Member States of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. Funding for open access charge: Wellcome Trust.

Conflict of interest statement. None declared.


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Articles from Nucleic Acids Research are provided here courtesy of Oxford University Press

ChEMBL web services: streamlining access to drug discovery data and utilities (2024)


What is the ChEMBL database? ›

ChEMBL is a manually curated database of bioactive molecules with drug-like properties. It brings together chemical, bioactivity and genomic data to aid the translation of genomic information into effective new drugs.

What is a ChEMBL drug indication? ›

ChEMBL contains information on drugs that have been approved for treatment of a specific disease / diagnosis (an indication) within a region of the world (e.g. FDA drugs are approved for use in the United States), and clinical candidate drugs that are being investigated for an indication during the clinical trials ...

What is the bioactivity data of ChEMBL? ›

ChEMBL holds two-dimensional structures, calculated molecular properties (e.g. logP, molecular weight, Lipinski 'Rule of Five' parameters) and bioactivity data (such as binding constants and pharmacology). The bioactivity data is tagged to show links between molecular targets and published assays.

What data is used in drug discovery? ›

Big data is applied in both chemical and biological aspects of drug discovery starting from target validation to the final stage of clinical trials and explained with an example focusing on medicinal chemistry. This chapter lists the public, commercial, and proprietary chemical space available for drug discovery.

How do I download ChEMBL dataset? ›

  1. Installation. Install with: $ pip install chembl-downloader. ...
  2. Database Usage. Download A Specific Version. ...
  3. SDF Usage. Access an RDKit supplier over entries in the SDF dump. ...
  4. Morgan Fingerprints Usage. Get the Morgan Fingerprint file. ...
  5. Extras. ...
  6. Contributing. ...
  7. Users. ...
  8. Statistics and Compatibility.

How many compounds are in ChEMBL? ›

Table 1.
Data SourceNumber of compound structuresNumber of activity results
ChEMBL literature extraction629 9433 282 945
PubChem BioAssaya364 2032 079 974
GSK TCAMS Malaria Data (32)13 46781 198
PDBe Ligands12 3370
4 more rows
Sep 23, 2011

What are the uses of drug database? ›

Drug databases are a go-to source for healthcare professionals looking to make informed decisions about medication therapy. They are also essential for health tech companies looking to enhance their products and deliver value to healthcare professionals and patients.

What is drug identification in drug discovery? ›

The drug discovery process focuses on identifying a molecule that is therapeutically effective in the treatment and management of diseases. Drug development begins when there is a lack of appropriate medical solutions available for the disease.

What is Druggable in drug discovery? ›

Druggability — the likelihood of being able to modulate a target with a small-molecule drug — is crucial in determining whether a drug discovery project progresses from 'hit' to 'lead'.

What type of database is PubChem? ›

PubChem is an open chemistry database managed by the National Institutes of Health (NHI). It contains mostly small molecules, but also larger molecules such as lipids, carbohydrates, nucleotides, peptides and other chemically modified macromolecules.

Is PubChem a safety data sheet? ›

The LCSS in PubChem contains pertinent chemical hazard and safety information. It is available when a GHS Classification (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals) is present for a given PubChem Compound record.

What is the purpose of PubChem? ›

PubChem is an open chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). “Open” means that you can put your scientific data in PubChem and that others may use it. Since the launch in 2004, PubChem has become a key chemical information resource for scientists, students, and the general public.

What are the 4 stages of drug discovery? ›

What Are the Four Stages of the Drug Discovery Process? The Drug Discovery Process involves many different stages and series of actions. Typically, it can be divided into four main stages: Early Drug Discovery, Pre-Clinical Phase, Clinical Phases, and Regulatory Approval.

What are the 5 pillars of drug discovery? ›

These pillars include target identification and validation, lead discovery, lead optimization, preclinical testing, and clinical trials. Each pillar plays a vital role in the overall success of drug discovery, contributing to the development of safe and effective drugs.

What technology is used in drug discovery? ›

Digital health technologies (DHTs) offer many potential benefits in the development of medical products, including drugs. Advances in DHTs, including electronic sensors, computing platforms and information technology, provide new opportunities to obtain clinical trial data directly from patients.

What is the UniProt database used for? ›

UniProt will facilitate knowledge discovery by allowing researchers to integrate the enormous amount of data from the Human Genome Project and from structural and functional genomics and proteomics.

What is the use of PubChem database? ›

PubChem is the world's largest collection of freely accessible chemical information. Search chemicals by name, molecular formula, structure, and other identifiers. Find chemical and physical properties, biological activities, safety and toxicity information, patents, literature citations and more.

What is the database for target prediction? ›

miRDB is an online database for miRNA target prediction and functional annotations. All the targets in miRDB were predicted by a bioinformatics tool, MirTarget, which was developed by analyzing thousands of miRNA-target interactions from high-throughput sequencing experiments.

What is the use of specialized database? ›

A specialized database allows targeted searching on one or more specific subject areas such as (such as science, engineering, medicine, etc.)


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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.