How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (2024)

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I've been making no bake cheesecakes for a long time, and I absolutely love their easy method, creamy flavour and how amazingly versatile they are. In this guide I am sharing with you all the tips and tricks I have learnt from years of experience in making no bake cheesecakes. I have aimed to answer any question you might have about making a no bake cheesecake, troubleshoot any issues you might have had in the past, and give you lots of fun and tasty ideas for creative ways to enjoy this delicious dessert! I also answer the number one question I get asked about no bake cheesecakes with both a step by step photo guide and video - how to remove a no bake cheesecake from the tin! At the end of this post you can also find a delicious recipe for a Vanilla No Bake Cheesecake.

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (1)

For the full recipe with measurements, head to the recipe card at the end of this post.

What is a no bake cheesecake and how is it different from a baked cheesecake?

No bake cheesecakes are made without eggs and are set in the fridge for several hours. The main ingredients are cream cheese and double cream, and they are whisked together until thick. Baked cheesecakes are made with eggs and require baking to set them. Both cheesecake options are delicious, but I prefer no bake cheesecakes because they super creamy, mousse-like and absolutely yummy. Plus they are also so easy to make! Once to try them you will be a no bake cheesecake convert!

How does a no bake cheesecake set?

Double cream is the key to setting a no bake cheesecake. When it's added to the cream cheese and whisked until thick (or some people whip up the double cream first then fold it in) and then refridgerated, it creates a perfectly thick set cheesecake.

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (2)

What is the best tin to use?

A springform tin is essential for making a no bake cheesecake, as you can't flip it out of the tin like you would with a cake. Springform tins have a removable base that is released when the clip on the side of the tin is unlocked, making for an easy release of your cheesecake. Lots of these tins have a lip on them, so you must flip the base over so the lip doesn't get in the way of you removing the cheesecake from the tin. Further down in this post, I show you how to remove a no bake cheesecake from the tin. I use a 23cm springform tin for all of my cheesecake recipes, you can use a slightly smaller tin too, it will just create a deeper cheesecake. If you would like to convert this recipe for a much smaller tin, please check out my Conversion Guide.

Do you need to line the tin?

No, you do not need to line the tin. No bake cheesecakes do not stick to the tin so lining it is unnecessary. I find that trying to remove any lining is more hard work, and has more chances of damaging the cheesecake.

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (3)

For the full recipe with measurements, head to the recipe card at the end of this post.

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (4)

The ingredients

You only need six basic ingredients to make a simple vanilla no bake cheesecake: biscuits/cookies, butter, cream cheese, double cream, icing sugar and vanilla extract. Of course, if you want to experiment with more daring flavours, or decorate the cheesecake more extravagently, the ingredient list will grow. Sometimes, a little lemon juice is also added. This does not make the cheesecake taste of lemon, it just adds a nice tang to the flavour.

What biscuits/cookies are best for the base?

The traditional and most commonly used option are Digestive Biscuits, or if you're in the US then the alternative would be Graham Crackers. However there are lots of options for your cheesecake base! You can use Oreos of any flavour, Biscoff biscuits, custard creams, bourbon biscuits, and many more. If you use any cream filled biscuits, you will need to reduce the amount of melted butter to 100g. You can also have a cookie base or a brownie base to your cheesecake! Check out all of the Cheesecake recipes on my blog for all of the options.

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (5)

Mascarpone or cream cheese?

You can use mascarpone instead of cream cheese, it behaves the same and will set well. However I personally much prefer cream cheese. I find mascarpone overly creamy and rich, it's too overwhelming to eat a lot of. Cream cheese has that nice 'tang' to it, however if you can only find mascarpone, you can use lemon juice to cut into the creamyness.

What is the best cream cheese to use?

In the UK, our cream cheese is not sold in blocks and is not as thick as it is in the US. The brand Philadelphia is the cream cheese I use the most often to make my cheesecakes, as it has the thickest consistency and there is the least amount of liquid in the pack. I have made many cheesecakes with supermarket own brand cream cheeses too, and they have worked great. If you can, it is worth spending a little more for Philadelphia in my opinion.

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (6)

Does the cream cheese need to be room temperature?

I have read a lot of cheesecake recipes whilst doing research for this blog post that say it must be room temperature. However, a lot of the recipes were from the US so maybe this has to do with the different texture of their cream cheese, as I have never needed to use room temperature cream cheese when making no bake cheesecakes. I take it straight out of the fridge, and mix it with my electric hand mixer, and it always goes lovely and smooth with no lumps. If you are using UK style cream cheese, then straight out of the fridge works great in my experience.

Do you need to use double cream (heavy cream)?

Yes, you need to use double cream as it has the highest fat content, which not only helps to thicken the cheesecake mixture, but it also helps it to set. Double cream has a fat content of 48%. If you cannot get double cream where you live, find the highest fat content cream you can.

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (7)

Do you need to sieve the icing sugar?

I don't sieve the icing sugar when I make a no bake cheesecake, I use the brand Tate & Lyle and I've never had an issue with lumps. Of course, you can absolutely sieve it if you are concerned about lumps.

Is gelatine necessary to make it set?

No, as long as all the steps are followed and the correct ingredients are used, no bake cheesecake will set without gelatine, or other setting agents like agar agar. I'm not able to advise on using gelatine as all of my recipes are vegetarian so I don't use gelatine at all because it is an animal product.

The method

  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (8)
  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (9)

Before you start, it is important that you make sure to the base of your springform tin has the flat side facing up. The bases of many springform tins have a slight 'lip' on them. Make sure it is clipped into the tin with the lip facing down, leaving a nice flat surface on top. This will help considerably with removing the cheesecake from the tin!

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (10)

How to turn the biscuits/cookies into crumbs?

The fastest way to do this is by using a food processor. If you do not have a food processor, you can place the biscuits into a bowl and gently crush them with the end of a rolling pin. If you do not have a rolling pin, you could use the end of a wine bottle, or another glass bottle that you might have in your kitchen. Please be careful if using anything glass.

Do you need to bake the base?

No, you do not need to bake the base of a no bake cheesecake.

  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (11)
  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (12)

Once the biscuits have been turned into crumbs, stir in some melted butter or baking spread until all of the biscuit crumbs are coated with the butter and the mixture looks like wet sand.

  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (13)
  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (14)

Press the mixture into the springform tin, I use the back of a spoon to smooth it down and compact it together. Once you're happy with it and the biscuit base is smooth and level, pop it in the fridge while you make the filling.

  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (15)
  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (16)

To make the cheesecake filling, add the cream cheese and icing sugar to a mixing bowl and mix until smooth with a handheld electric mixer, or place in the bowl of your stand mixer and mix with the whisk attachment until smooth with no lumps.

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (17)

Then, add the double cream and continue to mix until the filling is thick. You want it to get to a stage where you can scoop some up with your spatula or spoon and you have to give it a tap on the side of the bowl or slight flick of the wrist to get the mixture off the spoon. If it’s sloppy and slides right off the spoon without any encouragement needed, then you need to mix it more.

  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (18)
  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (19)

Tip the filling into the tin, covering the biscuit base. Use a palette knife to smooth it out as much as you can, then place into to fridge to set the cheesecake.

For the full recipe with measurements, head to the recipe card at the end of this post.

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (20)

How long should you whisk the filling for?

It is hard to give an exact time as depending on what type of electric mixer you use, and what speed you set it at, the time will vary. I use an electric hand mixer (mine is a kMix) and I set it to speed 2 (it has speed 1-5, with 1 being the lowest). I mix for around 30-45 seconds, then once it starts to thicken I turn the speed down to 1. I stop to check the consistency, then mix a little more until I'm happy.

How long does the filling need to set for?

You need to set the cheesecake for a minimum of 4 hours in the fridge, however if you can leave it longer then I would suggest doing so. I always make my no bake cheesecakes the night before and leave them to set overnight in the fridge. Waiting for it to be ready is that hardest part, but trust me, it is worth the wait!

How do you remove a no bake cheesecake from the tin?

  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (21)
  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (22)

First, make sure you have a plate or cake stand ready to move your cheesecake onto, you will also need a butter knife, and a couple of palette knives or a cake lifter. Unclip the tin slightly, then run a butter knife around the edge to loosen it. You may need to stop as you go around and wipe the knife on some kitchen roll.

  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (23)
  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (24)

Next, fully unclip the tin and place your hand underneath on the base of the tin. Push the cheesecake upwards and let the sides of the tin gently fall onto the work surface. Then use your other hand to support the cheesecake while you take your first hand out from the tin (you will be wearing it as a bracelet at this point so roll your sleeves up first!). Place the cheesecake with the base of the tin still attached on your work surface and run your palette knife around the edge to loosen it from the base.

  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (25)
  • How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (26)

Then use either two palette knives, or a cake lifter, to lift the cheesecake from the base of the tin and move it onto your serving plate. You can also move the base closer to the plate and slide it from the base to the plate. You may need to use a butter knife again to smooth around the sides. And your cheesecake is ready to either serve, or decorate and then serve!

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (27)

How long does a no bake cheesecake last for?

It can last up to 5 days in the fridge, however I like to eat it within 2-3 days as I find any whipped cream decoration is not as enjoyable after this time.

Can you make a low fat version?

You can make this recipe using low fat cream cheese, but it will affect how well the cheesecake sets and it could collapse when you take it out of the tin or slice it. What I would recommend doing instead for a low fat option, is making mini cheesecakes in small pots or jars. This will support the cheesecake filling. You might like to try my Healthy Cheesecake Pots recipe!

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (28)

Can you freeze a no bake cheesecake?

Yes! You can freeze the cheesecake without any decoration, however you do need to let it set in the fridge first. Setting it in the freezer will affect the texture and it won't be as nice. Once it's set in the fridge, you can remove it from the tin and put the cheesecake in a box or tupperware. You could also slice it up, and freeze in portions. Then you can easily defrost a few slices at a time depending on when you'd like some cheesecake!

Decorating options and variations

There are SO many ways to decorate a No Bake Cheesecake. My favourite way is with whipped cream, melted chocolate or caramel sauce. Fruit, lemon curd and fruit coulis are also delicious options. You could also decorate your cheesecake with a chocolate ganache, your favourite chocolate or sweets, melted Nutella or Biscoff spread, macarons, meringue kisses, cookies or biscuits... the options really are endless and you can be creative and really make it your own!

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (29)

Adding melted chocolate

You can stir 200g cooled melted chocolate into the cheesecake mixture for a delicious chocolate cheesecake. I recommend adding the melted chocolate before adding the double cream, as this reduces the chance of the chocolate 'seizing'. This is essentially when the chocolate starts to set in little bits instead of mixing smoothly into the filling. If it does seize, don't worry as the cheesecake is still perfectly edible!

Recommended Equipment and Ingredients*

*I earn a small amount of money if you buy the products after clicking on the links. You will not be charged anything extra for this. Thank you for supporting The Baking Explorer!

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (30)

No Bake Cheesecake recipes on The Baking Explorer...

  • Mint Chocolate Aero Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Funfetti Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • After Eight Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Milkybar Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Mini Egg Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Chocolate Cheesecakes For Two
  • Cherry Bakewell Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Snickers Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Oreo Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Vegan Vanilla Cheesecake with Salted Caramel Sauce
  • Crunchie Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Jammie Dodger Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Chocolate Spiderweb Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Maltesers Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Baileys Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Nutella Bueno Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Choc Chip Cookie Cheesecake
  • Biscoff Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Lemon Curd Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Banoffee Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Red Velvet Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Passion Fruit Martini Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Galaxy Caramel Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Creme Egg Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Love Heart Valentine's Day Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Mojito Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Strawberry Oreo Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Terry's Chocolate Orange Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Salted Caramel Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Pumpkin Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Reese's Peanut Butter Egg Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Candy Cane Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Apple Crumble Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Hot Chocolate Cheesecake (No Bake)
  • Golden Oreo Cheesecake (No Bake)

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (71)

Vanilla No Bake Cheesecake

Creamy no bake vanilla cheesecake with a buttery biscuit base

5 from 14 votes

Print Pin Rate

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Keyword: Cheesecake

Prep Time: 40 minutes minutes

Setting time: 4 hours hours

Total Time: 4 hours hours 40 minutes minutes

Servings: 16

Author: thebakingexplorer


For the biscuit base

  • 300 g Digestive biscuits crushed
  • 135 g Butter melted

For the cheesecake filling

  • 750 g Full fat cream cheese
  • 125 g Icing sugar
  • 2 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 300 ml Double cream

For decoration (optional)

  • 200 ml Double cream
  • 1 tbsp Icing sugar
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract

To serve

  • Fresh berries optional

Metric - US Customary


  • To make the base use a food processor to whizz up the biscuits into crumbs, or gently crush them with a rolling pin in a bowl

  • Mix in the melted butter and press the mixture into the bottom of a 23cm springform tin. Put it in the fridge for 30 minutes to set

  • For the cheesecake filling use a food mixer with a whisk attachment or an electric hand whisk to mix together the cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla extract until smooth with no lumps

  • Add the double cream and whisk until it is very thick and holds it's shape

  • Smooth the mixture into the tin on top of the biscuit base, then put it in the fridge overnight, or for at least 4 hours, to set

  • Remove from the tin and put on your serving plate. Smooth the sides with a butter knife to create a neater finish

  • Whip up the double cream with the icing sugar and vanilla, and pipe it all around the edges of the cheesecake

  • Serve immediately with fresh berries if you like, store any leftovers in the fridge and eat within 2-3 days

Made this recipe?Share on Instagram with me @TheBakingExplorer or tag #thebakingexplorer!



How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (72)


Calories: 443kcal | Carbohydrates: 26g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 36g | Saturated Fat: 21g | Cholesterol: 113mg | Sodium: 312mg | Potassium: 113mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 16g | Vitamin A: 1300IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 73mg | Iron: 1mg

If you like this, check out more of my Cheesecake recipes!

NB. This post is NOT sponsored by any of the brands I have mentioned, I am recommending them based on my own experience with using them.

I'm linking this recipe up with Cook Blog Share hosted by Lost In Food.

How to make a No Bake Cheesecake (2024)


Why is my no-bake cheesecake not setting up? ›

The primary reason a no-bake cheesecake is too runny or doesn't set up properly is generally the temperature of the ingredients. If your cream cheese is too warm, the mixture will be too soft and will never set up properly.

How do you thicken a no-bake cheesecake? ›

Sometimes, a no-bake cheesecake filling can turn “soupy” in texture. Don't worry, we can rescue it! If your cheesecake filling goes soupy in texture, don't worry—you can fix it! Just add a little gelatin to the mix, and it will set up in the fridge just fine.

How many hours does a no-bake cheesecake need to set? ›

The filling needs proper chilling, a minimum of four hours but preferably overnight, to set into sliceable sections. Freezing the cheesecake results in a too-hard-to-enjoy crust and filling. Try this: The cheesecake should be shiny and firm to the touch when set.

Why is my no-bake cheesecake base too hard? ›

If your cheesecake base is too hard – this can be down to a few things, such as brands of biscuits, too much butter, or a really cold fridge (or if you froze the cheesecake). Generally I stick to a rule of about 100-150g of butter in a biscuit base.

How do you know when a no-bake cheesecake is set? ›

You want the outer 2-3 inches of the cheesecake to look more set and less jiggly, and in the center to be the party that's jiggly. It should wobble a bit, but not too much. If it looks liquid-y still and has kind of a sloshy wiggle, it's not done it. If it's just set and still jiggly, it should be good.

Will my no-bake cheesecake set faster in the freezer? ›

No, do not use the freezer to set the cheesecake, as this will result in a less attractive texture and the filling will not slice properly. For a firm no-bake cheesecake with neat slices, refrigerate it for a minimum of 12 hours. This makes it an ideal make-ahead dessert option.

How to fix a cheesecake that didn't set? ›

Chill For A Longer Period

In some cases, your filling just needs more time to chill. No-bake cheesecakes generally need at least 4-6 hours in the refrigerator to set properly. If your filling is still runny after that time, try chilling it for another 2-4 hours.

What not to do when making cheesecake? ›

Let's go through some common mistakes you should avoid to ensure your cheesecake sets properly, has the right texture, and doesn't sink or crack.
  1. Get Your Crust Right. ...
  2. Don't Go Low-fat. ...
  3. Don't Use Cold Ingredients. ...
  4. Do I Really Have to Do a Water Bath? ...
  5. Don't Overbake. ...
  6. Don't Rush the Cooling Process. ...
  7. Don't Leave It Out.
Apr 7, 2021

What is the thickening agent in cheesecake? ›

Step 10: Corn Starch Added

If you want to add something to thicken your cheesecake then I would definitely recommend this over flour to thicken it.

Should I cover no-bake cheesecake in the fridge? ›

Make-Ahead and Storage. To make this cheesecake partially ahead of time, assemble the crust up to a couple of days in advance, wrap tightly in plastic, and refrigerate until it's needed. Once filled, the cheesecake is best served within 36 hours, but can be tightly wrapped and refrigerated for up to a week.

Can you leave no-bake cheesecake out overnight? ›

Thus, cheesecake is perishable. Even if your recipe is traditional in that you bake your cheesecake (no-bake recipes don't contain eggs), once it has had a chance to cool outside the oven (about an hour), it must go back in the fridge.

Why didn't my no-bake cheesecake set? ›

Why didn't my no-bake cheesecake set? If you used the wrong kind of cream cheese or didn't whip your cream long enough, your cheesecake may not set. Make sure to use full-fat brick-style cream cheese and not the spreadable kind that comes in a tub.

Does cheesecake get firmer as it cools? ›

You might worry a runny middle means raw cheesecake, but it's totally safe and normal. The center will firm up as it cools on a cooling rack, resulting in the smooth surface you want. Test Kitchen Tip: Cheesecakes made with sour cream should jiggle a little more and will have a larger soft spot in the center.

What causes cheesecake not to set? ›

Reasons To Why Your Cheesecake Is Not Setting
  • Incorrect Oven Temperature. One of the common reasons why your cheesecake doesn't set is because of the incorrect oven temperature. ...
  • Overmixing. ...
  • Incorrect Water Bath Method. ...
  • Let Your Ingredients Sit. ...
  • Check Your Pan. ...
  • Check For Doneness. ...
  • Allow The Cheesecake To Cool.
Sep 20, 2023

Why are my no bakes not setting up? ›

Why Didn't My No-Bake Cookies Set? Likely, you didn't boil the mixture long enough. You want the butter, milk, sugar, and cocoa mixture to boil for 2-3 full minutes and reach between 190°F-200°F. If you don't boil them for long enough, they will turn out gooey and will not set.

How long does it take for cheesecake to fully set? ›

A cheesecake is a make-ahead cake in the sense that you have to make it ahead. After all the careful baking and slow cooling, the cheesecake still needs to chill in the fridge and finish setting up for at least four hours or (ideally) overnight.

Why did my mini cheesecakes sink in the middle? ›

Cheesecake may sink in the middle due to overbeating the batter, which incorporates too much air, or drastic temperature changes causing it to rise and fall rapidly. Also, if it's underbaked, the middle may collapse. Cooling gradually can help prevent sinking.

How to make cheesecake set faster? ›

Use the Freezer: After bringing the cheesecake to room temperature, you can place it in the freezer to set and chill faster. However, be sure not to leave it in the freezer for more than two hours to avoid freezer burn.


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.