How to Make Swiss Meringue + Meringue Cookies Recipe | Baking Blog (2024)

If you are a beginner, I advise you to start with this recipe in order to learn how to make Swiss meringue. It is more reliable and gives you much more chances to get a good result.

For general information, there are three ways to whisk egg whites and accordingly 3 types of meringue: French, Swiss and Italian.

French meringue – egg whites whipped with sugar;
Swiss meringue – whites are heated with sugar and then whipped;
Italian meringue – whites whipped with hot sugar syrup.

How to Make Swiss Meringue + Meringue Cookies Recipe | Baking Blog (1)

Rules for whipping egg whites

There are general rules for whipping egg whites, they do not depend on the way they are cooked:

  1. Fat – fight! It is unacceptable to get even the slightest particle of fat into the whites and whipping dishes. Not a drop at all. The dishes should be clean and dry, and the white should be separated from the yolk very carefully (the yolk contains fat). To be sure, you can degrease the dishes before cooking: wipe them with a napkin with lemon juice.
  2. Dishes. Preferably metal or glass. Plastic absorbs fats and over time it becomes almost impossible to completely degrease it. In addition, if you will heat the whites, the plastic will melt when it touches the hot dishes in a water bath.
  3. The temperature of the ingredients. The egg whites at room temperature whip easier, faster and more fluffy than cold ones;
  4. Sugar gives meringue stability, so it’s essential. There’s a little trick (not a trick at all) that neutralizes this sweetness a bit, but still, meringue is a dessert for the sweet tooth.
  5. The sugar should be completely dissolved in the whites. It’s very important! Have you ever had a meringue that leaks syrup while baking and then turns into caramel? Well, that was the sugar that didn’t dissolve.
  6. To make meringue, the egg whites and sugar should be whipped until they form stiff, smooth, stable peaks. This process can take 20 or 30 minutes – it mainly depends on the power of your mixer, if everything else is done correctly (clean dishes, no fat in the protein).
  7. Color the meringue while whipping. Preferably with dry food coloring, especially if you want a bright color.

This time we’ll learn how to cook meringue on the water bath, that is Swiss meringue.


100 g egg whites (from about 3 large eggs)
a pinch of salt
200 g white sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice

1. Combine whites, salt and sugar in a bowl. (The bowl should be metal or glass, NOT plastic.)

2. Make a water bath: pour a little water in a small pan, literally 2 cm from the bottom, bring to a boil, reduce heat (the water should boil slightly), put a container with whites and sugar on top so that it does not touch boiling water (this is important!).

How to Make Swiss Meringue + Meringue Cookies Recipe | Baking Blog (2)

3. Constantly stirring with a whisk, warm until sugar is completely dissolved. Ideally, the temperature of whites for Swiss meringue should be 130-140 degrees F, but it’s enough when you try with your finger to feel that there are no sugar grains in whites.

4. Remove the bowl from the water bath and whip the mixture with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed to maximum. Whip until getting firm, dense peaks.

5. Add lemon juice and whip at low speed for a few seconds until the juice mixes with the meringue.

How to Make Swiss Meringue + Meringue Cookies Recipe | Baking Blog (3)

Now your Swiss meringue is getting done, and you can use it where you want, for example, make Swiss buttercream or bake meringue cookies:

Put the meringues on the parchment using two spoons or a pastry bag. Bake meringues at 175-200 degrees F for 1–3 hours. The longer you bake, the drier will be meringues inside. If you want a viscous center like nougat, bake 1-1.5 hours. Baking time also depends on the size of the meringue: small ones will dry quickly, while large ones will take more time to get dried.

Keep the meringue cookies in a tightly closed airtight container.

How to Make Swiss Meringue + Meringue Cookies Recipe | Baking Blog (4)

Why does baked meringue get wet in a few hours after cooking?
And what to do with damp meringues?

Meringue soaks due to humidity in the room or when touching wet surfaces, such as cake frosting or container walls, on which condensation has appeared. Do not leave baked meringues in a closed, turned off oven and store them in a dry, tightly closed container. If the meringues got damp, dry them again in the oven, half an hour at 160-175 degrees F.

How to make meringue cookies |

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Cooking Time: 30 min


  • 100 g egg whites (from about 3 large eggs)
  • a pinch of salt
  • 200 g white sugar
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice



Combine whites, salt and sugar in a bowl. (The bowl should be metal or glass, NOT plastic.)


Make a water bath: pour a little water in a small pan, literally 2 cm from the bottom, bring to a boil, reduce heat (the water should boil slightly), put a container with whites and sugar on top so that it does not touch boiling water (this is important!).


Constantly stirring with a whisk, warm until sugar is completely dissolved. Ideally, the temperature of whites for Swiss meringue should be 130-140 degrees F, but it's enough when you try with your finger to feel that there are no sugar grains in whites.


Remove the bowl from the water bath and whip the mixture with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed to maximum. Whip until getting firm, dense peaks.


Add lemon juice and whip at low speed for a few seconds until the juice mixes with the meringue.


Put the meringues on the parchment using two spoons or a pastry bag.


Bake meringues at 175-200 degrees F for 1–3 hours. The longer you bake, the drier will be meringues inside. If you want a viscous center like nougat, bake 1-1.5 hours. Baking time also depends on the size of the meringue: small ones will dry quickly, while large ones will take more time to get dried.


Keep the meringue cookies in a tightly closed airtight container.

egg whitesgluten freelactose freemeringue

How to Make Swiss Meringue + Meringue Cookies Recipe | Baking Blog (2024)


What is the trick to making meringue? ›

so what's the secret to making meringue?
  1. room temperature whites are KEY! While eggs are easiest to separate cold, the whites will beat up to their maximum potential at room temperature. ...
  2. beat the whites low and slow to start! ...
  3. cream of tartar is your meringue “MVP”! ...
  4. add your granulated sugar slowly too!
Jan 19, 2023

What is the difference between French and Swiss meringue cookies? ›

Swiss meringue is glossier and smoother than French meringue, but less stable than Italian meringue, and is often described as having a marshmallow-like taste and texture.

Why are my meringue cookies not crispy? ›

Meringues are not supposed to harden completely in the oven. While low heat will dry them out, meringues do not become hard and crisp until they have had a chance to cool for five or ten minutes.

Does Swiss meringue hold overnight? ›

Swiss meringue is best when used immediately and served the same day. Do not refrigerated it in bulk or it will lose its lightness and become weepy. However, you can frost your cake or cupcakes and refrigerate overnight if needed; the meringue will be less airy the next day, but still fine.

What are the common mistakes to avoid while preparing meringue? ›

7 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Making Meringue
  1. Adding Sugar Too Quickly.
  2. Skipping Cream of Tartar.
  3. Mixing in a Dirty Bowl.
  4. Using Cold Eggs.
  5. Overbeating the Egg Whites.
  6. Squeezing the Air Out.
  7. Baking at Too Low a Temperature.

What are the 6 tips in making perfect meringue? ›

6 Tips for Perfect Meringue
  1. Don't make meringues when the kitchen is super steamy or the weather is damp and humid.
  2. Egg whites should be perfectly “clean”, without a speck of yolk in them. ...
  3. Egg whites beat to a great volume at room temperature or slightly warm.
Mar 17, 2014

Why does my Swiss meringue taste like butter? ›

If yours tastes like you're eating a stick of butter, perhaps your meringue wasn't whipped to stiff peaks before adding butter, or the butter was too cold, in which case it just needs some more whipping. Or you added too much butter.

Why is my Swiss meringue not fluffy? ›

In a KitchenAid mixer, it usually takes about 20-25 minutes to make a good, stiff meringue from start to finish. If you're at the 20-minute mark and the meringue still isn't at stiff peaks, check your temperature. Is it hot and humid in your kitchen? Then a 15-20 minute meringue timeout in the fridge will help!

Why is my Swiss meringue so buttery? ›

Maybe the meringue whipped too long, cooling to well below 75°F (24°C). Maybe the butter came straight from the fridge. Maybe your buttercream was even frozen in advance, but didn't fully thaw. Doesn't matter why—if your Swiss meringue buttercream looks dense and greasy (or even tastes that way), it's simply too cold.

What happens if you add sugar too early to meringue? ›

Adding sugar before whipping was also not ideal, leading to cakes that baked up a bit too dry. In the case of the meringues, adding the sugar at the start of mixing produced a cookie that was dull on the exterior, with a too-fine crumb within.

What to do if Swiss meringue won't stiffen? ›

Separate your egg whites from the yolks and make sure there are no yolks in the whites. Since SMBC is meringue based, yolks (a fat) can quickly stop a meringue from not forming its stiff glossy peaks as required.

Can you over mix meringue cookies? ›

Over whip the egg whites and you risk making them too firm and they will risk losing the moisture that they hold. This will affect your meringue's crispness, as well as making it more likely to collapse or weep beads of sugar. As my meringue guru Gary Mehigan advises: “If you over whip the egg whites you cannot fix it.

What temperature do you cook Swiss meringue to? ›

If using a thermometer, the temperature should read 160°F (71°C). Whip it: Transfer warm mixture to the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment (if you aren't already using the metal bowl that comes with it). Beat until stiff peaks form and the meringue is no longer warm to touch, at least 10-15 minutes.

Can you over whip Swiss meringue? ›

If you begin to over-whip the whites, the mixture will deflate and you'll end up with a grainy, loose, and soupy mixture – even before you add the butter! Not what we're going for. Trust me on this one – I've over-whipped a Swiss meringue too many times to count just because I wasn't paying close enough attention.

How do you stabilize Swiss meringue? ›

Cooking to 175°F (79°C) ensures that the egg white proteins are coagulated despite the high concentration of sugar, creating a more stable meringue.

What is the secret to stiff meringue? ›

A couple ideas… never use a plastic bowl, metal or glass only and make sure there is not even a drop of egg yolk. Fat will cause your whites to not reach stiff peaks. Also, adding cream of tartar or a little lemon juice will help make a solid meringue.

How long do you beat egg white until stiff? ›

It can take a while for a meringue to reach stiff peaks and for the sugar to dissolve—about five minutes with a hand mixer. If the sugar has not dissolved (for example, if it tastes gritty), keep beating.

How do I properly beat the egg whites for meringue? ›

In a large clean, grease-free bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer, use the whisk attachement to whip the egg whites on low speed until foamy bubbles appear at the top. Add the vanilla bean paste and vinegar (or cream of tartar) and continue whipping until really foamy.


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