Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter (2024)

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This recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter is the only recipe you will want to eat again. Ever. It’s so flavorful, juicy and delicious and it’s really easy to make too! Make sure to save it to Pinterest!

Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter (1)

Oh gosh everyone! I’ve been so slow this week here on the blog. So dreadfully slow! Why? It’s planting season and Kevin and I are in the middle of building grapevine trellises, getting the garden ready and landscaping in various areas of the property. Long days outside mean less time in the kitchen for me. And why in January and February I miss the outdoors, in May I miss my kitchen. There’s so many good things I want to create for you and I need about 8 more hours in the day to do it all. But I digress… You’re here for the food, right? Let’s dig into my recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter!

Filet Mignon is one of the most popular steak cuts of meat because it’s tender, juicy and lean yet flavorful all on it’s own. This beautiful cut also works well with seasonings, sauces, butters and more. They all seem to only enhance the slightly sweeter flavor profile of the cut. My recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter is a recipe that is melt in your mouth delicious. The bacon cooks up nicely on the outside to add some flavor fat and the compound butter tops it off with the most savory, herby flavor. It’s one of those recipes that will make you close your eyes just to savor each bite more.

Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter (2)

Why wrap Filet Mignon in Bacon?

Before we kick this off I will tell you that you don’t have to wrap your Filet Mignon in Bacon, but you should! The bacon will help to hold in the juices and it provides that extra fat that enhances the flavor profile as long as the meat is cooked properly.

To make it, all you need to do is wrap each filet with one piece of bacon and then secure it with a tooth pick.

Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter (3)

Seasoning the Filet Mignon

Seasoning a Filet Mignon is vital to getting good flavor. You could argue that you are adding the compound butter so you don’t need to season, but that’s not true. All meat – no matter what it is – should be flavored and seasoned before cooking. That’s a life rule. Never stick anything in a pan, pot or on the grill unless it’s been seasoned.

For more recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon you can use my custom seasoning made with smoked paprika, sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, thyme and crushed rosemary. To make my own, I will crush all the spice ingredients with a mortar and pestle like this one {HERE}.

OR, you can sprinkle on your favorite seasoning. If I’m shortcutting it we like Omaha Steak seasoning or Webber Grill Steak seasoning. The recipe for my seasoning is below.

Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter (4)

Making my compound butter

My compound butter is a roasted garlic compound butter and it’s the one thing in this recipe that needs to be made ahead of time. You can make it that morning or even a few days before you intend to use it. It’s amazing on my recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon but it’s also delicious on freshly baked bread, chicken, vegetables and more! To begin, the garlic has to be roasted for 40 minutes. I roast one whole head of garlic even though I only use a four cloves per stick. The rest of it you can save to spread on bread (because it’s spreadable once you roast it) or for more butter! I’ll give full instructions below in the recipe card.

Then, the butter requires a shallot, chives, thyme and sea salt. It uses a full stick of softened, unsalted butter and I wrap it up in some parchment paper or wax paper. So remember you will need time for the butter to soften. If you prefer you can also use a butter crock like this one {HERE}. It all gets mashed together and then wrapped back up to let the flavors mingle.

Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter (5)

Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter (6)

Doneness Temperature Reminders

As a note, the USDA says meat is “done” when it reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit. However, that will make your meat well done. The below are the temperature standards for Rare – Well done. Most people enjoy Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon the most when it is rare or medium rare.

  • For Rare: Remove the Prime Rob when the thermometer reads 110 degrees. Once rested it will be 117 – 120 degrees. This will give you a bright red center with pink outer edges.
  • For Medium Rare: Remove it from the oven when the temperature is at 120 degrees. Once rested, the temperature will rise to 127- 130 degrees. This is the temperature mine in the photos was removed at. It has an outer ring of brown and then is a pink/red towards the center.
  • For Medium: Remove the Prime Rib when the internal temperature reads 130 degrees. Rested it will be between 137- 140 degrees and include a light pink center with a brown outer rim.
  • For Medium Well: Remove the meat at 140 degrees. It will be rested at 147-150 degrees with no pink in the center.
  • For Well Done: Remove the Meat at 150 degree. It will be rested between 157- 165 degrees.

Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter (7)

Tips for making my recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon

  • Sometimes people think it’s difficult to make the bacon around a filet cooked well. But the trick to it is once the filet is done, you can flip the steaks on their sides and grill the bacon for 10-15 seconds so it cooks up better.
  • Make sure to season the meat! No matter which way you do it, just make sure to do it!
  • Use sea salt and good quality extra virgin olive oil. I know I say this every time but sea salt is far superior to table salt and the olive oil is the base of everything.
  • If you can, get a cut of meat from the Butcher or a flash frozen service. You typically want to use the freshest ingredients you can find and the Butcher will have that. If you can’t go there and your grocery store has a great Butcher it should be ok too. As a last resort, we really like a lot of the services that will ship the meat directly to you. It’s flash frozen at the perfect time so it is sometimes better than when you can find at the grocery store.
  • Let the meat rest for 3-5 minutes after it comes off the grill.
  • I make my recipe for bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon on the grill. But you can also make them on a cast iron grill like this one {HERE} inside and use the same recipe. We have that exact one and will use it to grill things inside in the Michigan winter months.

Looking for other grilling recipes?

Looking for more grill recipes or more steak recipes? Try these!

  • Tequila Lime Flank Steak {HERE}
  • Chimichurri Shrimp Skewers {HERE}
  • Mediterranean Grilled Asparagus {HERE}
  • Grilled Sweet Potato Steaks {HERE}
  • Bacon & Blue Potato Salad {HERE}
  • Prime Rib in the oven {HERE}

Thank you. so much for following along today, friends! I hope that you love this recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter! You can find the full printable recipe below. Happy Eating.

Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter (8)

Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter (9)

This recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter is the only recipe you will want to eat again. Ever. It's so flavorful, juicy and delicious and it's really easy to make too! Make sure to save it to Pinterest!

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Course: dinner

Cuisine: American

Keyword: Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon, Filet Mignon, Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Garlic Cooking Time: 40 minutes

Servings: 4

Author: Rachel


  • Grill


Roasted Garlic

  • 1 whole head of garlic with the top removed
  • 1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/8 tsp. sea salt
  • Pinch of fresh cracked pepper

Ingredients for the Roasted Garlic Compound Butter

  • 1 stick unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 shallot, diced
  • 4 cloves roasted garlic
  • 2 Tbsp. chives, diced
  • 2 Tbsp. Thyme leaves
  • 1/4- 1/2 tsp. sea salt

Ingredients for Steak Seasoning

  • 1 Tbsp, Smoked Paprika
  • 1/2 Tbsp. sea salt
  • 2 tsp. Fresh Cracked Black Pepper
  • 1 Tbsp. garlic powder
  • 1/2 Tbsp. onion powder
  • 1/2 Tbsp. dried rosemary, crushed
  • 1/2 Tbsp. dried thyme, crushed

Ingredients for the Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon

  • 4 cuts of Filet Mignon
  • 4 pieces bacon
  • 1/2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil per steak cut
  • Sprinkle of steak seasonings on both sides of the filet
  • One slice of butter per filet


Instructions for the seasoning mix

  • Mix everything together and set aside. If you have extra store in an extra spice jar or an airtight container.

Instructions for the Roasted Garlic and Compound Butter

  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Tent one head of garlic in tin foil with the extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and pepper.

  • Roast in the center of the oven for 40 minutes.Remove and let cool,

  • Blend together chives, garlic, thyme and shallot in a food processor.

  • Combine the garlic mix and thebutterby smashing it together with a fork.Add in the sea salt. Start with ¼ and if desired add another ¼ for a total of ½ tsp.

  • Add thebuttermix onto parchment paper or wax paper and spread into a log shape.

  • Roll thebutterup and refrigerate it for 1 hour. Use on the steaks just as they’re coming off the grill and let it sit there while they rest. Enjoy!

Instruction for the Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon

  • Preheat the grill to medium - high. You want it between 400 and 450 degrees.

  • Wrap each steak with a slice of bacon and secure with a toothpick.

  • Drizzle the extra virgin olive oil onto each steak and rub in.

  • Season the meat on both sides with the seasoning mix above or a purchased seasoning mix.

  • Place the steaks directly on the grill and grill for 5-6 minutes per side with the lid closed.

  • Check the internal temperature on the steaks with a meat thermometer. If you want them more well done cook, cook until the desired temperature.

  • Flip the steaks on their sides for about 15 seconds to finish cooking the bacon.

  • Immediately after you take the filets off the grill add on a slice of compound butter. It will begin to melt over the filets while they rest for 3-5 minutes. Then serve and enjoy!

Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon with compound butter (2024)


Why do they wrap bacon around filet mignon? ›

Wrapping a filet in bacon allows for some of the savory, smokey goodness inherent in bacon to seep into the filet when cooking. The fat also burns off the bacon, creating a crispy sear when grilling or cooking in a cast iron pan, or other stovetop methods.

What makes filet mignon so tender? ›

Because the short loin is tucked under the cow's ribs and next to the cow's backbone, the musculature bears little weight and contains minimal connective tissue, keeping the meat beautifully soft and tender. Filet is prized for its wonderful mouth texture — it practically melts — and delicate yet beefy flavor.

How does Bobby Flay cook a filet mignon? ›

Heat a few tablespoons of oil in a 12-inch cast iron pan until it begins to shimmer. Put the steaks in the pan, rub-side down and cook until a crust forms, about 3 minutes. Turn the steaks over, lower heat a bit and continue cooking until medium-rare doneness, about 4 minutes longer.

Why don t Jews eat filet mignon? ›

Technically, filet mignon is as kosher as any other cut of meat. The problem with filet mignon and other cuts from the rear is that they are located near the sciatic nerve and fatty deposits known in Hebrew as chelev, which are Biblically forbidden.

Why is filet mignon more expensive than tenderloin? ›

This cut is extracted from the tenderloin area of the animal, a relatively small muscle that produces only a small portion of meat per animal. As a result, there is a limited supply of filet mignon available compared to other cuts, which increases its overall value.

Can you cook bacon wrapped filet mignon in air fryer? ›

Air Fryer Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon is perfectly seared with crispy bacon and juicy steak. Whip up a filet mignon in the air fryer in a matter of minutes!

How does Gordon Ramsay cook filet mignon? ›

Sear the Filet Mignon

Allow the steak to sear for about 2-3 minutes on each side, without moving it, to achieve a beautiful caramelized crust. For a perfect medium-rare doneness, aim for an internal temperature of around 130°F (55°C). Use a meat thermometer for accuracy.

Do you use olive oil or butter for filet mignon? ›

Use olive oil and butter to cook your Filet Mignon. Olive oil is best for holding up while cooking, the butter is used for basting. Add garlic cloves, cracked open but skin on, and a whole sprig of rosemary to your pan to flavor the butter. To "baste" the Filet Mignon, add the butter to the hot pan.

Is it better to cook filet mignon fast or slow? ›

The best method for how to cook filet mignon is quickly with direct heat. Opt for cooking methods such as broiling, grilling, and pan-frying. Long, slow cooking (or any overcooking) will dry out this cut of steak, robbing it of its flavor and tenderness.

Should I cover filet mignon when cooking? ›

Cook steaks, uncovered, until internal temperature reaches 5°F lower than the desired final temperature, according to the chart below. For the perfect medium-rare, 2.5-inch thick filet mignon, cook in oven for 13-14 minutes. A meat thermometer should read 130°F.

How do you prepare filet mignon before cooking? ›

We recommend thawing in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours. Once thawed, remove your steak from the refrigerator approximately 30–40 minutes before cooking to allow the steak to come to room temperature. Lastly, season your steak as desired. We recommend using our Kansas City Steaks Original Steak Seasoning.

How long to cook Aldi bacon wrapped filet? ›

Transfer pan directly to oven and let cook until the steaks reach your desired doneness; 5-6 minutes per side in the oven (10 minutes total) should give you a nice medium-rare steak. Check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer.

How to cook bacon wrapped chuck tender filet aldi in air fryer? ›

Preheat the air fryer to 390F for 5 minutes. Salt and pepper the bacon wrapped chuck tender filets. Place the steak in the air fryer basket and cook for 6 minutes, flip the steak over and cook for an additional 6 minutes. This will result in a medium rare steak between 130-133F.

How to cook Aldi fillet steak? ›

GRILL: Lightly season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Place under a pre-heated grill and cook for the times specified, turning occasionally during cooking (Rare 3-5 mins/Medium 8-10 mins/Well Done 10-12 mins). Ensure the surface of the steak is thoroughly cooked.

Do you cover filet mignon in the oven? ›

Cook steaks, uncovered, until internal temperature reaches 5°F lower than the desired final temperature, according to the chart below. For the perfect medium-rare, 2.5-inch thick filet mignon, cook in oven for 13-14 minutes. A meat thermometer should read 130°F.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.